Excerpts from published eBooks

Captain Disaster: The Dark Side of the Moon - 1 2 3
The Captain Disaster Collection - 1 2 3 4
The Mellow Hip of the Thing - 1 2 3
Captain Disaster: The Damaris Touch - 1 2
Outside, Inside - 1 2 3 4

Thursday, 14 September 2017

New Release - "Outside, Inside" poetry collection

Outside, Inside is a poetry collection that looks at the human condition - as a group "outside" and as the individual "inside". It features a range of poetry styles and lengths and deals with issues such as racism, pollution, life and death, depression (as well as a smattering of more whimsical poems to counterbalance all the seriousness!). Includes the 115-line poem "The Test: An Allegory" and the 167-line poem "Inside a Tormented Mind". (In terms of the poetry I've ever written, those are about as "epic" as I get!)

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