Excerpts from published eBooks

Captain Disaster: The Dark Side of the Moon - 1 2 3
The Captain Disaster Collection - 1 2 3 4
The Mellow Hip of the Thing - 1 2 3
Captain Disaster: The Damaris Touch - 1 2
Outside, Inside - 1 2 3 4

Monday, 15 May 2017

Bargain Booksy experiment

Decided to get some paid advertising on Bargain Booksy - not an overwhelming success but at least I sold 5 copies of The Captain Disaster Collection - hopefully will get a couple of reviews from that as well.  Only made back about 30% of the cost of advertising though, maybe some KindleUnlimited page views in the coming weeks, if so it may even get to the stage where I would consider it a definite success.  Anyway, the effort continues!

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