Excerpts from published eBooks

Captain Disaster: The Dark Side of the Moon - 1 2 3
The Captain Disaster Collection - 1 2 3 4
The Mellow Hip of the Thing - 1 2 3
Captain Disaster: The Damaris Touch - 1 2
Outside, Inside - 1 2 3 4

Friday, 6 January 2017

Yay! Sort of...

Almost by chance I noticed that for the first time my "Kindle Edition Normalized Pages Read" figure was not zero!  Basically this means that someone has borrowed an eBook on Kindle Unlimited or the Kindle Lending Library (at least that's how I understand it).  Now obviously 3 is a very small figure and nothing to get excited about, and in terms of shared royalties will probably be less then a hundredth of a cent or something, but hey it's still better than zero!

(Probably worth reminding you that all my ebooks are on Kindle Unlimited so you can read them without paying extra for them.)

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